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Elton Dixon

Bridging the Foster Care Cliff | Real Stories

Two years ago, our friends at Georgia Appleseed Center for Law & Justice in Atlanta reached out to us to help gather and curate lived experience stories from youth in foster care in the south Georgia region, where we are headquartered. Georgia Appleseed is an extraordinary advocate for youth on many fronts, and this particular element of our partnership called See Me: Pieces of Life from Youth In Care, opened a whole new door of opportunities for the youth we all support--learn more here. This has proven to be a tremendous outlet for young people who dare to share their experiences with touching vulnerability, knowing that their stories might improve outcomes for others in their shoes.

Check out this story from Rekki. As you watch, you'll certainly think, "this kid's got it together--he's well on his way!", but please remember that young people like him need help--someone to build a bridge and walk with them across the foster care cliff. He is bright, and he has goals, but success won't come by chance. When you support the Enay Foundation, you support our ability to provide a fully-mentored ecosystem of supports to help young people like Rekki break the foster care cycle.

This is the time to take action. As young people in care approach the age of 18, they stand in front of a critical fork in the road. Let's support them to find and stay on a path to success.

The Enay Foundation is a Qualified Foster Child Support Organization, and a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible. Tax ID: 85-4217075

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